The weather is quite windy today — making me think back to the wedding of Jenna Post & John Nergenah in May 2008. They were married at The Creek Farm near Chapin, Illinois. It was a beautiful day — except that right around the ceremony time the wind whipped up and caused some minor complications. But it turns out the guests were thankful for the breeze, for it kept the buffalo gnats away.
What the heck is a buffalo gnat? People in the Illinois River region have been getting to know these pests, for their population has been booming the last couple springs. They emerge in April, and die off sometime in May as the water temperature rises.
If you are planning an outdoor wedding in the next month or so, you might want to keep these pests in mind. (See our previous blog post on gnats making for a short outdoor portrait session.) Check out your venue a couple days ahead of time. If you get swarmed by gnats, there’s help. Vanilla is the key — lotions are what people use, but I’ve heard lots of recommendations about Buggins insect repellant (it’s at Walgreens and some other locations). You can even plan it as a bonus favor, and have extra bottles on hand to give away.
More info: Tiffany got bit by gnats while walking the dog Thursday, and half her neck turned red. I got bit last year, and half my face swelled up. Keep this in mind on Friday, for you don’t want to have a swollen neck or face for photos on Saturday! Watch the groomsmen — they’ll probably play tough and get bit then be a mess the next day.
Posted by Steve – gnat-aware wedding photography in Jacksonville and the Illinois River region.
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