It scares you half to death just thinking about all of those eyes on you as you walk down the aisle. Luckily, you may have an arm to hold on to in case those silly heels give you problems. You make it through that and get to the reception where everyone will now watch you DANCE for a few miserable minutes. You know all of those baby boomers who actually KNOW how to dance will be snickering as you sway back and forth like an 8th grader with no real rhythm.
There is a way around this. A couple, actually. First of all, you don’t HAVE to have a first dance. It’s a tradition that’s like many other wedding traditions. We don’t know why or how long we have been doing them. You CAN buck tradition if you really don’t want to dance in front of everyone.
But, if tradition must stick, a few dance lessons can go a long, long way. Like getting your makeup done by a professional, it can give you confidence you never knew you had, and is a skill you can use for years after your wedding. Like at other peoples’ weddings, for example.
Also, if you keep it a secret, it’s a great way to really impress friends and family – whether you’re the bride OR the groom.
Go ahead – right now – do a google search for “ballroom dance” in your town. You won’t regret it and you might find a talent you never knew was there!