There are a few ways I’ve seen to honor other married couples during the course of your day.
One way is an anniversary dance during the reception. The DJ or band leader invites all married couples to the dance floor. During the course of the song, the couples are invited to sit down depending on how long they have been married. (“Couples who have been married 3 hours can sit down. Couples who have been married 5 years or less can sit down. Couples who have been married 10 years or less can sit down …”) until the couple married the longest is the only one left dancing. This couple is then asked how they know the bride/groom and how long they have been married. They might also be asked for marriage advice – which typically ends up with the husband advising the groom to learn quickly how to say, “Yes, Dear.”

As the bride, presenting the older woman with your bridal or toss bouquet is a good alternative to throwing it to eligible bachelorettes, especially if there are not many unmarried women on your guest list.

Another idea we saw for the first time at Jackie and James’ wedding was honoring couples at each table during the reception. Each table had a photo of one of the couples at that table with a write-up about them and why they were being honored. It was a great way to break the ice if those at the table don’t all know each other as well as a wonderful way to make others feel special during YOUR special day.