In addition to weddings, Warmowski Photography provides event photography, and on Friday 23 July Steve covered the Ken Norton Birthday Bash for Pathway Services Unlimited. Pathway is one of the social agencies in Jacksonville facing a budget gap due to delays in state funding, and we donated our services to help with the fundraiser.
Jacksonville native Ken Norton Sr. is probably best known for defeating Muhammad Ali in 1973. The boxer still makes it back to Jacksonville to make appearances, and this trip was anchored by an early birthday party to raise money for Pathway. (It wasn’t really his birthday, but it was Steve’s.) He brought a cadre of stars, musicians and sports greats into town for the celebration at Hamilton’s 110 North East.
Steve covered special events for sponsors in the VIP room, the celebration and the entertainment. In the photo above Ken Norton breaks down after receiving a painting by Mario A.C. Della Casa, depicting Ken with his deceased mother. Two of the artist’s paintings were auctioned off later in the evening for $2,000.

Warmowski Photography was glad to help in the evening, and preserve memories for the sponsors and attendees of the event (if you had your photo taken with the champ, check out this gallery — all profits go to Pathway).

Warmowski Photography, event photography in Jacksonville Illinois 62650. Follow us on Facebook. Posted by Steve.
Special copyright notice: All images on this blog are ©2010 Warmowski Photography. Images from Ken Norton’s birthday bash may not be copied, published or sold without express written permission from Ken Norton Enterprises Inc.