Fabulous wedding weekend for Monica Marchese and Luther Cunningham!
The wedding was at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Lombard, the church Monica attended while growing up. The reception was at Dinolfo’s Banquets in Homer Glen.
The festivities started Friday night with a themed rehearsal dinner put on by Deb & Dan Cunningham. There will be an blog post dedicated to just the rehearsal and dinner – so keep a look out for that!
In the meantime, here are some of our favorite images of the day.

Monica and Luther decided to see each other and take all of the group and family portraits before the ceremony. About half of our couples go that route. Before we start the portraits, the couple gets a “first look.” Usually this is done with the groom standing at the altar with this back to the aisle, and the bride walking down the aisle to meet him. He turns around and VIOLA! – he sees his bride. Kisses usually ensue and often parents and bridal party members are peeking though doors and windows to watch.

Monica waits while Luther stands at the front of the church during the processional.

The bride and groom sit at the altar while the bride’s brother, Andrew, serves as cantor. There is a choir loft to the side of the altar which made for a unique perspective that we don’t usually have. As with every wedding we photograph, we talked to the church coordinator or officiant before the ceremony and were invited to use the loft for photos.
Monica kneels before the Blessed Mother after presenting her flowers. Monica’s brother and Man-of-Honor, Anthony, sang Ave Maria with his a capella group. Monica is holding a wedding rosary which has beads made of flowers from the recent funeral of her late grandmother.

Between the wedding and reception, Monica and Luther wanted to stop by their
CrossFit gym and have a photo taken of the bridal party doing a kettlebell swing. There was a quick lesson on form by the owner, Jason, before they started. Safety first!
I loved the murmurs of disbelief from the bridal party as Monica’s bar was loaded with weights.

The processional song that Monica’s bridesmaids walked in to was arranged by Monica’s brother, Anthony. It’s a combination of “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” and “Canon in D.” The notes on the cake is the score of that song.

Monica & Luther decided on a
photo booth at the reception. It was busy all night! Here are a few shots of guests and family in the booth.