I’ll never forget the option my dad gave me before walking me down the aisle on my wedding day 15 September 2001:
Dad (looking at the door to go outside): We can walk out the door if you want to, Tiffy.
Tif: What do you want to do, Daddy?
Dad: No, Tiffy. What do you want to do?
Tif: I think I’ll walk down the aisle.
It might seem weird to be given that option moments before walking down the aisle, but in honesty, I have always been grateful for that “out.”

Before our good friend Esther married Steve’s mentor, Archie Lieberman, Esther’s aunt told her, “Five minutes before is better than five minutes after.” Esther didn’t take the “out.” But she never forgot about her aunt offering to her, either. Esther and Archie were married 60 years before his death in 2008.
We’ve had 3 couples cancel or indefinitely postpone their weddings this summer. But believe me, there are no hard feelings here! Making a lifetime commitment is not something that you should do just because you have been planning a wedding for months or because people will be disappointed if you decide not to go through with it.
I hope that all couples work as hard on preparing for their marriage as they do planning their wedding (if not harder!). And if they reach a point in that process where things don’t feel quite right, then taking a step back and taking a good hard look at things just might be the right thing to do, whether the wedding is months, weeks or days away.
**Photos Copyright Warmowski Photography 2010** Blog post by Tiffany/Warmowski Photography Tiffany & Steve Warmowski were married in Jacksonville and photograph others’ weddings in Jacksonville and around the world. WarmowskiPhotography.com